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Grain of talent in the child's soul

When people are born, God, releasing them to the ground, each gives to recruit talent. Unfortunately, the irony is that many of them still remain unsolved.

Every child is talented in their own way, but not everyone grows genius. But the genius - it is said Schliemann, the legendary scientist who managed to find Troy, 90% work on yourself. That's just to begin this work, vaccinate her skills she needed to teach a person in childhood. Unfortunately, many children today do not have the opportunity to develop their talents. There are many reasons, the roots of which can be reduced to only one: indifference.

Indifference of parents who seek out many excuses to explain why they can not engage with the child. There may be a myriad of: lack of time or money, the unfavorable situation and inconvenient schedule ... But anyone who wants to do something, looking for ways, but the one who does not want to - causes ...

Neutral States not wishing to develop children's sport, hobby groups, to build modern development centers of children's creativity, open special schools and run programs to support talented children. Grow geniuses - too long-term and risky in terms of financial investment event. There are no euphoria emergency recoil, which, unfortunately, are increasingly looking to the people in power.

Indifference of society fixated on the material component, not wanting to do something really useful for the world.

Just think about it:

Of course, the genius - is a rare creature. He is born once in a few million, and predict its occurrence is even harder than winning the jackpot. But if you stood in front (yes, now!) Small Salvador Dali, who barely missed a set of paints and brushes ... or Vivaldi, who saved up for his first musical instrument ... Or Mendeleev, who did not have enough money a tutorial on arithmetic ... you help them?

So how do we know that somewhere, maybe even very close, is not running a little genius, which, perhaps, in the future will make a great discovery, or write a symphony that will affect the soul of each, or a picture before which even cry most callous and heartless people? And only from our indifference depends make it or not.

Open Heart
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