Благотворительный фонд ОТКРОЙ СЕРДЦЕ"> Our green Earth
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Our green Earth

The world in which we live is called Earth. We are so accustomed to it that perceive, granted as a matter of course, that was always the same and always stay with us. Earth - our home, given to us from above, providing everything necessary for life and health, in need of our care and support. Naturally, this requires a number of costs: emotional, physical, financial, but do not we do the same for your own home? So why care about the planet on which we live, must be perceived as something else?

On Earth, many wonderful and beautiful corners. Without a doubt, Crimea - one of them. Since ancient times, its nature, mild climate, wonderful air and healing water attracted people. His sun gently warmed, thick forests - gave much food for sustenance, comfortable allowed to build ships, and nature in general - treated both the physical and emotional wounds from.

So it was for millennia: Crimea cared about the people who inhabited it, and the people, in turn, took care of it. And only in the last few decades in the human mind, finally believing in his kingship over nature, something went wrong. Man became consume more than to give in return. Nature, podnapryagshis, tried to fulfill all his whims, but gradually began to give up. First began disappearing forests. Then - dry up the rivers and springs, shallow reservoir. Instead of wild grasses and wildflowers everywhere began to accumulate piles of garbage. But people puzzled greatness of his own life, all of this, unfortunately, often do not notice, and if they pay attention, then grabs him by only banal grumbling about the fact that here, say, ruined nature tyrants. And somehow it does not quite come in simple idea that we are all responsible for the state of the environment in which we live.

People dream to change the world, to create something unimaginably-global, forgetting that it is the most "difficult" even in the most "global" scale begins with each of us. As in "The Little Prince" Saint-Exupery: "I ??woke up in the morning - take away your planet!". Caring for nature really does not begin with Greenpeace or global shares, and with those little things which any not throw trash, go to work day, to restore order in his favorite corner of nature, raise funds for the park, or at least take part in the charity event.

The house in which we live is called Earth. How will we be called living in it - good stewards or temporary tenants - it depends only on us.

Open Heart
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